
Blog » 2014 » October

Teaching communication.Teaching Page

The formula in a nutshell:

The advice for educators:

Be lenient and practical. Let the students think for themselves. Make a list of topics to give them options. Don’t use Emerson [C N Rao] and Bacon [Munshi Prem Chand] to elucidate. Give your own writing examples and let yourself be criticized. Understand their interest and let them write about it. If they happen to be Korean [a place too distant], let them write about Park Ji Sung [their native heros] and prepare to correct a two-page essay. Well, that’s better than correcting four paragraphs made up of five sentences each.

Thareja adds- Well!

“Communication is difficult. Structurally, it gets founded over words, organised around thoughts. Words are difficult to come through, successfully, amid the thought process.
see how the blogger comments over the poem, relating her(or him)self with the challenge of matching relative speeds?”

See how the poet Angela Manalang Gloria writes:

I never meant the words I said,
So trouble not your honest head
And never mean the

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- Posted on October 5th, 2014 in Teaching Page, Education | 1,758 Views | Comments (0)

Global Warming can terminate ……/15757-global-warming-can-terminate-the-world-in-circa-2353 AD
Jun 16, 2014 - Prof Priyavrat Thareja built this case while he was addressing the…

CLEAN INDIA: ‘Swachh Bharat’ – Seeking a National 5-S Mandate

THE INCLUSIVENESS OF SAFETY FIRST IN QUALITY EDUCATION. The following URL links to the abstract page for this submission in the SSRN eLibrary. The full-text paper is downloadable. More papers from me are available at this web page.

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- Posted on October 2nd, 2014 in Pages, Quality, Technical, Education, Engineering, Publications, Free Stuff, Environment | 1,628 Views | Comments (0)