
Blog » 2006 » September

Oh Lord, In your ultimate Fabric is interspersed my small .jpg adobe
I only pray it’s coherent with the large number of pixels your web abodes
Know! the man’s web can support, may be, 16 million colours or more,

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- Posted on September 28th, 2006 in Prayers | 2,778 Views | Comments (1)

Quality Teacher.Education

Though Neighbour’s envy, he is Student’s pride.
His quality presence in class is never a disguise,
In him all pears find a counselor and guide,
He is a complete Guru and total man to be concise,

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- Posted on September 28th, 2006 in Education | 4,159 Views | Comments (6)


Rigours abound, setting a stage for celebration,
Over the off-set of a long year of perspiration,
is juxtaposition of the very process of evaluation;

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- Posted on September 20th, 2006 in Education | 4,782 Views | Comments (2)


Coming Soon to IMAX, Mystic India
Mystic India is an amazing true story about an 11-year-old boy, who spent 7 years crossing 8,000 miles alone on one incredible journey.

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- Posted on September 20th, 2006 in Films | 14,438 Views | Comments (2)

Good God- The Old man

The Good Old Man!
Ah! With a long beard!
Think it to be as white as one can?
Or kind of Purity one may have heard!
A perception of perfection in His clan,
Is omni present, without ever being searched?

That is the ‘Guru’ of my dreams,

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- Posted on September 20th, 2006 in Prayers | 3,154 Views | Comments (0)