
Blog » 2017 » May

From a small needle to a ship that is large,
While the small in sea sinks, and the big brawls,
A man - who ingeniously sees science that befalls,
So as a create a product that society enthralls,
Or create wealth, adding value to resources all,
She is an Engineer clever, as the public her calls.

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- Posted on May 17th, 2017 in Pages | 1,451 Views | Comments (0)

Tansformation.Personal Development

“The ‘Journey of quality’ speaks of the paradigm of ‘a process approach’ of good inputs to a high success”.
Hence ““Every action that you take - that your disorder tells you to take - is self-harming in the short and long term.”

Every “transformation begins with the individual” (Dr William Edwards Deming),
“He who should perceive a ‘minute’ full of perfection must work himself up to address the minutest imperfections.”
Because when “Transformation as a psycho emotional phenomenon functions as a loop”.
It implies in technical sense (also as in case of manufacturing) “ ‘involving into an iterative process of simplifying the ‘complexity’, and then transforming this ’simplicity into newer complexity’ while integrating the unsolved domain for an unprecedented success.”

Because ” Higher the cutting edge clarity, higher is the productivity.” if it is the destination.

infact Productivity may not be the destination, though it is preceded by Quality. The journey itself flows through a SHEQ_PDCM paradigm (A paradigm, I gradually developed beginning 1986 ) when I first realised that Safety is ‘really’ first and foremost. This is followed by Health, and Environmnent; and Quality, Productivity, Delivery, Cost, and Morale.)

Enjoy The journey of SHEQ-PDCM. God loves seeing you practicing it.
“The way to God is not vertically up. Never down. It is horizontal. [Culturally] Love [for people] lights up much of the path.”

More ; (by various authors) at ), and Mine The link is: Mine

- Posted on May 12th, 2017 in Personal Development, Education, Engineering, Management | 2,003 Views | Comments (0)