
Blog » Technical

The Value of Energy

Situation I

Already so much warmth
and the world becoming hotter
That is what it would be
With no water.
We have experienced a world
Where everything is well
But do save energy
Or else it would be hell.

Situation II Save energy!

Save energy! save energy!
save it to save man
save energy! save energy!
save it all while you can.
remember, it isn’t too late
treat energy as your mate
so that we can all live happily

The Power @ Engineer

Exceeding - on to the man‘s might,
When an engineer adds value,
The concoction is anyone‘s sure delight,
As it brings (sights) a Vibgyor in a blue.
Such is an engineer‘s power quite..
Who energizes a generator to its rescue!
The Energy, proverbially, makes the mare go!
as in science, she invested the ideas to sow!
Wherein an engineer has had cast his shadow,
With the innovative spells he designed long ago,
Converting an unwarranted mechanical motion,
to a stimuli that humbles many a device to bow!
Onto any of worthy commands of we engineers,
like empowering the Robots to line up in a row!
An Engineer can bring life, say into a rotor…
by transforming a bunch of coils as in a motor?
While jars rotate to beyond as grinder or mixer,
Content therein may extrude as particle or wire,
with such a wish her innovative spell transpires!
Or, as a Directive Force the Change inspires.
…That the God is a supreme agent of Power…
Good he powered all the gadgets to empower.
Power is the potential that needs be managed!
It is the capacity that in any device surfaces…
once the stimulus is applied to its solace!
its power gets exponentially cited to a grace.
It is the power that decorates an engineer!
While any strategic device motions to cheer!
Power is the essence to a man‘s productivity,
which befalls a status of the coveted celebrity!
It is the might that empowers the user machine
Or a competence to achieve functions supreme,
awards it with a fortune to do rigours sublime,
such that the objectives are achieved in no time,
even when they need be driven from cloud nine.
© copyright 2017, Priyavrat Thareja

I am Fortunate to be born!
As a Human,
on this Planet earth.
But then heinous acts of notorious some,
Bring a skepticism,
to think if it was of real worth?
Or if I was not born on this planet earth?

The Precious global ‘Space’ is indeed infinite,
As it accommodates galaxies of Suns, and the stars,

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- Posted on February 23rd, 2019 in Pages, Personal Development, Technical, Teaching Page, Education, Poems, Environment | 1,620 Views | Comments (0)

A partner in progress.
is what I regress 1 ,
when I Love IIF*
(*The Institute of Indian Foundrymen,
- Theme on Partners in Progress on/for Golden Jubilee: 17 Aug 1999 souvenir )

We, the partners do wish that
your sand field becomes a day and night match2,
only when you want to challenge for betterment.

So Foundryman , wake up and smell the coffee3,
and stop gonking 4 about the hidden threats to foundry,
Recognize opportunities, over threats why puh-leeze5?

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- Posted on April 2nd, 2017 in Pages, Technical, Foundry, Poems | 1,286 Views | Comments (0)

Wiki acclaims her, for her ingenuity,
to aptly apply scientific knowledge
towards developing robust solutions
for social and techno-commercial problems.

S/he, though is termed an engineer,
but in reality is an adventurous applicator,
of science, common science, and the sense,

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- Posted on June 14th, 2016 in Pages, Technical, Engineering, Poems, Publications | 1,462 Views | Comments (0)