
Blog » Quality, Films » Munna Bhai, Saaf Suthre Raho! the 5 - S way. It’s a tool for House Keeping

The Japanese philosophy of keeping clean and managing work place (better Called “House Keepin” are is embraced in 5-Ss
These Five S’s are
Seiketsu, and

Not that I explain them hereunder, but I also have knitted them in the form of a verse, which was published in Motorola’s house magazine.
To 5_S another S has been added in America to make it 6 - S The new S is Safety.
Safety is an associated outcome of 5-S paradigm. Safety is a part of the endeavour which goes in line with 5-S. So compliment your processes with Safety.

The 5S Strategy
Doing the 5Ss once is easy, keeping it up takes persistence:

1. Sort everything into what belongs and stays and what needs to be recycled.
2. Straighten everything so that you can find it when you want it: inventory, tools, etc.
3. Shine everything so that there are no “broken windows” in your office or production line.
4. Standardize the process of doing the first three Ss.
5. Sustain the 5S process until it becomes a part of your strategy. This is the persistence part.

- Posted on March 3rd, 2007 in Quality, Films | 5,163 Views |

1 Comment »

One Response to “Munna Bhai, Saaf Suthre Raho! the 5 - S way. It’s a tool for House Keeping”

1. Posted byPriyavrat on March 3rd, 2007 at 8:00 pm

The Third part of movie in Munna Bhai Series is
‘Munna Bhai Amreeka Chale’,,,,,,, Some thing like this.

It follows
mUnna Bhai
Lage Raho! Munna Bhai
Munna Bhai America Chalo!

Hopr it succeeds.;-)

If it does… Await the Fourth…
Munna Bhai Bannnatte Raho!


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