
Blog » Quality, Personal Development, Management » Perfor***ce (man)


“”Perfor***ce (man) …Perfor’ce you are required to demonstrate it with resuts.
So some say ‘Performance’ is the other side of personal development.

Good workers display results. Bad workers make excuses. Hoowever, pressure to Per’force ‘results’ should not ’suck the success’ out. So performance is always accompanied by moderate pressure. Low or High presssures both are detrimental.”"
copyright (c) 2007 Priyavrat Thareja

“It is much more difficult to measure non-PERFORMANCE than PERFORMANCE. PERFORMANCE stands out like a ton of diamonds. Non-PERFORMANCE can almost always be explained away. Harold S. Geneen 1910-, American Accountant, Industrialist, CEO, ITT

*Wish to read exerpts from What’s to be done about performance reviews? concluded by Prof Jim Heskett Harward Business schools Working Knowledge in

Harward Business Reviews
Article printed from systematicHR - Human Resources Strategy and Technology:
URL to article:

Exective summary of Performance Review:
What can we do to make performance reviews more productive and less distasteful? Should their objectives be scaled back to just one or two? Should they be disengaged from the determination of compensation and, if so, how?

Long schedule of 93 contributions are at

- Posted on November 20th, 2007 in Quality, Personal Development, Management | 1,714 Views |

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