
Blog » Management, Poems, Environment » Social : The human Footprint (Theme poem)

I am conscious
of, which are my actions precious
and which other few Vicious;
Towards an eco- Footprint
That Is left back by all of us,
while we are not cautious!

So, as and when I grow up,
I’ll ensure I do not muddle up -
more than I have either sown
Or reap, what wasn’t hitherto my own!
Deploying eagerly all my wisdom
To grow wild and mighty someone.

It is better, first, to be lean,
And find in ‘raw or cooked’ a cool mean;
that should conserve various resources,
lest fire or water drain them out in crisis!
With more natural nutrients we don’t miss
an emphasis on processes, so green is bliss!

© 2020 Priyavrat Thareja
This poem was part of the thema of my lecture on ” Protecting the Planet - Standardisation in Post Covid era ” presented as a webinar on the aegis of World Standards Day, organised by Bureau of Indian standards, (Northern Region) on 14th Oct, 2020 (celebrated on 16th oct)

- Posted on November 2nd, 2020 in Management, Poems, Environment | 764 Views |

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