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Energy is not a mere meaningful word, a bare
system of quantifiable work, or belle dance,
Or scientifically, a calory giving substance.
Proverbially it is seldom driven like a mare
But it is always

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- Posted on July 9th, 2015 in Pages, Technical, Foundry, Education, Engineering, Poems, Publications, Environment | 1,599 Views | Comments (0)

The learning quality stimulus

The governance of education quality….
is critical, as it is spread over a wider domain;
yet, it is intentionally oriented to brevity
as if many in multifocal efforts in vein?

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- Posted on February 13th, 2015 in Pages, Personal Development, Education, Poems, Publications | 1,779 Views | Comments (0)

Global Warming can terminate ……/15757-global-warming-can-terminate-the-world-in-circa-2353 AD
Jun 16, 2014 - Prof Priyavrat Thareja built this case while he was addressing the…

CLEAN INDIA: ‘Swachh Bharat’ – Seeking a National 5-S Mandate

THE INCLUSIVENESS OF SAFETY FIRST IN QUALITY EDUCATION. The following URL links to the abstract page for this submission in the SSRN eLibrary. The full-text paper is downloadable. More papers from me are available at this web page.

More on this store house:

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- Posted on October 2nd, 2014 in Pages, Quality, Technical, Education, Engineering, Publications, Free Stuff, Environment | 1,581 Views | Comments (0)

Manufacturing Paradigms In 2010, professed in 2003.
When shall we reach these (projeced) levels? Actually term as Futuristic

To read the erstwhile one… go to at hq[dot]ssrn [dot]com

The questions are:
How much Flexible?
How intelligent?
How much Responsive and fast
How accurate
——-More downloadable papers authored by me: ;;;;;;;;;;;>

Thareja, Priyavrat and Thareja, Mannu, (2012). Aligning the People in Nation Building ,Journal of Management and Technology, Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 163-173, Jan- Jun 2012. Available at SSRN:

Thareja, Priyavrat, (2014), Working Smarter, Not Harder Working Smarter, Not Harder”, Quality World, Vol XI, issue4, April, 2014, pp 13-17. Available at SSRN

Thareja, Priyavrat, (2008)Each One is Capable (A Total Quality Organisation Thru’ People) . FOUNDRY,

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- Posted on July 20th, 2014 in Pages, Quality, Technical, Foundry, Education, Engineering, Publications, Environment | 7,615 Views | Comments (2)

My current position is atRayat Institute of Engineering And Information Technology

The Design Interface Of Corrosion*

For design competence at its best
interface with corrosion of nature complex.
When the interference got typical on design
as design experiences become sublime.
when mechanical properties are sabotaged
even the component gets to lose all her age!
There is a case of fatigue per se
presence of “corrosive” agent gives way
to lower the thresholds beyond gay
continuously loses out to make hay
an all redundant design may I say?
Also take the case of stress corrosion
slapping design engineer in celebration
within “corrosive” agent’s new incarnation
albeit the success in passivation
the “design” is forced into “solution.”
Until design engineer responds to corrosion
he/she gets in future no salutation
corrosion is therefore an important dimension
an “agent” for design for full perfection.

© 2013, Priyavrat Thareja more poem(s) on corrosion>
*Published in
Thareja, Priyavrat; (2013) “Innovative process renovation in Phosphating for Corrosion (resistance), Energy & Quality Improvement, Journal of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 23-30

- Posted on December 30th, 2013 in Pages, Technical, Education, Engineering, Poems, Publications, Environment | 1,873 Views | Comments (0)