
Blog » Environment

Hair, kept well is no crime,
question here is: when devoid of shine!
these are no longer worth a dime.
So it, of task prime, is
to call, a specialist

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- Posted on July 17th, 2015 in General, Humour, Poems, Free Stuff, Environment | 2,809 Views | Comments (0)

Energy is not a mere meaningful word, a bare
system of quantifiable work, or belle dance,
Or scientifically, a calory giving substance.
Proverbially it is seldom driven like a mare
But it is always

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- Posted on July 9th, 2015 in Pages, Technical, Foundry, Education, Engineering, Poems, Publications, Environment | 1,599 Views | Comments (0)

All it takes is just a look around us to know that nature has given us abundant clues on living a life of purpose. [Possibly] we have not spared the time to do so. We are caught up in web of “fast moving life” concept and are always in a hurry.

We [should learn from] the little ants [who] are persistent and they just wont give up:

Ants are courageous,
They have the confidence to challenge an elephant…
these are open and come out of hiding with confidence.

Ants are quite focussed
They have a sense of direction…
both vectorially,

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- Posted on March 6th, 2015 in General, Free Stuff, Environment | 1,569 Views | Comments (0)

Global Warming can terminate ……/15757-global-warming-can-terminate-the-world-in-circa-2353 AD
Jun 16, 2014 - Prof Priyavrat Thareja built this case while he was addressing the…

CLEAN INDIA: ‘Swachh Bharat’ – Seeking a National 5-S Mandate

THE INCLUSIVENESS OF SAFETY FIRST IN QUALITY EDUCATION. The following URL links to the abstract page for this submission in the SSRN eLibrary. The full-text paper is downloadable. More papers from me are available at this web page.

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- Posted on October 2nd, 2014 in Pages, Quality, Technical, Education, Engineering, Publications, Free Stuff, Environment | 1,581 Views | Comments (0)

Manufacturing Paradigms In 2010, professed in 2003.
When shall we reach these (projeced) levels? Actually term as Futuristic

To read the erstwhile one… go to at hq[dot]ssrn [dot]com

The questions are:
How much Flexible?
How intelligent?
How much Responsive and fast
How accurate
——-More downloadable papers authored by me: ;;;;;;;;;;;>

Thareja, Priyavrat and Thareja, Mannu, (2012). Aligning the People in Nation Building ,Journal of Management and Technology, Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 163-173, Jan- Jun 2012. Available at SSRN:

Thareja, Priyavrat, (2014), Working Smarter, Not Harder Working Smarter, Not Harder”, Quality World, Vol XI, issue4, April, 2014, pp 13-17. Available at SSRN

Thareja, Priyavrat, (2008)Each One is Capable (A Total Quality Organisation Thru’ People) . FOUNDRY,

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- Posted on July 20th, 2014 in Pages, Quality, Technical, Foundry, Education, Engineering, Publications, Environment | 7,615 Views | Comments (2)