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Workshop on business management

Tribune News Service
Chandigarh, June 22
“If one wants to check pollution in one’s organisation, it does not mean that one has to incur an additional financial burden”. This was stated by Mr H.S. Bains, Chairman, Haryana Pollution Control Board, while addressing participants of the one-day workshop on ‘Integrating quality and environment towards total business management’ held here today.

Attended by 36 participants from various foundries, pharmaceutical, acrylics and chemical manufacturing units etc, the workshop, first of its kind in the region, was jointly organised by the Institute of Indian Foundrymen and International Certification Limited.

Mr Bains explained how the mobil oil replacement system for generating sets was deferred for more than three months during the implementation of ISO 14000 standards.

Addressing the participants, Prof P. Thareja of the Metallurgical Engineering Department, Punjab Engineering College, stressed the need for quality equipment, energy, enviornment, quality management, reduction of waste and austerity.

Talking of eight principles of quality management and three principles of enviornment, Mr Sunil Thaman, associate vice-president, International Certifications Limited, spoke about the importance of leadership teamwork and the factual approach to decision making as tools for profitable business management.

Mr Ram Nath, general manager, SIDBI, said unless business management was linked with enviornment management, the industry would not be able to survive in the days to come. He reiterated that recycling and waste management activities were very essential for any organisation.

Mr Viney Kumar, honorary secretary of the Institute of Indian Foundrymen, proposed a vote of thanks.

Mid Semester Test II Foundry/ Metal Casting

Mid Semester Test II
Date of test 28th Oct 09

Syllabus for the test:
1 Basic rules for designing castings

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- Posted on October 27th, 2009 in Pages, Foundry, Education | 2,316 Views | Comments (0)

Modeling, Types, application in design, Basics of Simulation

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- Posted on October 27th, 2009 in Pages, Foundry, Education | 3,245 Views | Comments (0)

(Part 23:) Productivity to Profits - a staircase of success

People normally choose to rise on a staircase. But if one may not sustain over it, falling is imminent. However if a charted and strategically designed descent is on the agenda, the next planned rise should be terrific, paying and productive

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- Posted on October 22nd, 2009 in Pages, Quality, Foundry, Publications | 2,859 Views | Comments (0)

The 20 papers presented in seminar shall be put up here shortly.


While Competitive Product Development is prime on the national agenda of Quality improvement, achieving design competence @ engineering education of PEC students is an objective PEC has outrightly pursued in the last 4 years. First it was ‘Technical Arts’ introduced as a part of BE curriculum. After the recently celebrated successes in Moon Buggy design, and widely acclaimed product development -the Moon Impact probeby an Alumnous of PEC; it was now a turn for putting innovation stimulus in a newer mood. The day of 29th Sept. dawned with a seminar on interdisciplinary subject “Competitive Product Development”, organised by Met Engg Deptt, PEC, which was inaugurated by an eminent Engineer Mr G K Pillai, CMD of Heavy engineering Corporation, Ranchi. Mr Pillai, an alumnous of

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- Posted on September 25th, 2009 in Pages, Foundry, Education | 4,333 Views | Comments (2)

COMPETITIVE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Conference at Chandigarh, 29th Sept 2009

PEC University of Technology

Sector 12, Chandigarh , INDIA

The Success of an Engineer is marked by his /her competencies over a thorough ‘Product development’ with a promise to

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- Posted on September 10th, 2009 in Pages, Technical, General, Foundry, Education, Engineering | 3,837 Views | Comments (1)